About Us

The most common question I get is "How did you get started? What made you start making x-ray markers?!"

So the story goes...I graduated in May of 2015 with my Radiography degree and started working as a full time x-ray technologist.
It was a slow day at work and a co-worker was browsing the internet for new x-ray markers to purchase. When Etsy popped up in the search results she clicked on it and the markers on there were amazing! I thought WAIT- how do you make these?!
I started doing research and bought the necessary materials. When that same co-worker saw me ordering the supplies she said "Wow, you're serious about this!" Serious I was! After much experimenting, researching, and brainstorming- I perfected how to make my very own x-ray markers. I opened my Etsy shop and started making sales slowly. Always thinking of a new design to make, I created more and more while continually adding items to my shop. The feedback was great and customers kept buying. I am always experimenting with new products and ideas.

Thrilled beyond belief, I have now made Alisha Goes Crafty my full time job. I am so thankful for all of my amazing customers for choosing to purchase my items. I look forward to making you something you will love!